Outdoor Activities in Berguedà

Outdoor Activities Guide in Berguedà for Families

The Berguedà Region, located in the province of Barcelona, is an ideal destination for families seeking outdoor adventures. With its diverse geography, including mountains, rivers, and forests, this region offers a wide range of activities for all ages. In this guide, we will explore the best options to enjoy nature as a family and make the most of your visit. Continue reading “Outdoor Activities in Berguedà”

Annual Events of Berguedà

The Berguedà region, located in the province of Barcelona, is a place full of charm and traditions. Known for its mountainous landscapes, rivers, and picturesque villages, it also stands out for its rich calendar of festivities and annual events that attract visitors from all over. In this article, we will explore some of the region’s most iconic celebrations, such as La Patum de Berga and La Festa del Segar i el Batre d’Avià, among others. These festivities not only celebrate local culture and traditions but also offer a unique experience for those looking to immerse themselves in authentic Catalan life. Continue reading “Annual Events of Berguedà”

Pessebres vivents in Berguedà

Pessebres vivents in Berguedà: What They Are and Where to See Them

The Berguedà region, located in the heart of Catalonia, is known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and cultural traditions. One of the most notable traditions during the Christmas season are the living nativity scenes. These events, which recreate the birth of Jesus with live actors, are a great opportunity to enjoy with family and immerse yourself in the history and customs of past times. In this article, we will explain what living nativity scenes are and where you can see them in Berguedà. Continue reading “Pessebres vivents in Berguedà”

Top 10 Activities for a Weekend in the Berguedà Region

Top 10 Activities for a Weekend in the Berguedà Region

The Berguedà Region, located in the province of Barcelona, is an ideal destination for those seeking a weekend filled with outdoor activities, culture, and great food. This article will guide you through the best experiences you can enjoy in this charming region. From hiking trails to museum visits, here is a list of 10 must-do activities. Continue reading “Top 10 Activities for a Weekend in the Berguedà Region”

Photographic Tour of the Landscapes of the Berguedà


Photographic Tour of the Landscapes of the Berguedà Region

The Berguedà region, located in the heart of Catalonia, is a hidden gem full of stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. With its unique mix of mountains, forests, and rivers, it offers countless opportunities for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers. In this article, we invite you to discover the most beautiful landscapes of Berguedà through a photographic tour, highlighting the most spectacular points of interest and offering tips to capture the essence of this region. Continue reading “Photographic Tour of the Landscapes of the Berguedà”

Outdoor Activities In Berguedà

Outdoor Activity Guide for Families in Berguedà

The Berguedà Region, located in the province of Barcelona, is an ideal destination for families seeking outdoor adventures. With its varied geography, including mountains, rivers, and forests, this region offers a wide range of activities for all ages. In this guide, we’ll explore the best options for enjoying nature as a family and making the most of your visit. Continue reading “Outdoor Activities In Berguedà”

History of Berga

History of Berga

Berga, located in the heart of the Berguedà region, is a city rich in history and culture, where every corner whispers stories of its vibrant past. This article aims to offer an engaging and comprehensive view of Berga’s history, inviting a diverse audience to delve into the essence of Catalonia.

Introduction to the History of Berga

The history of Berga dates back to ancient times, with evidence of human settlements from prehistory. It began to flourish as an important urban center during the medieval period, becoming a strategic and cultural hub in Catalonia.

Continue reading “History of Berga”

Inaguració La Cabana Hotel

Avui inaugurem La Cabana Hotel. Un projecte que feia molts anys que volíem tirar endavant i que finalment hem pogut portar a terme. Ens fa moltíssima il·lusió, després de gairebé 20 anys al capdavant de La Cabana, de poder tornar a oferir els serveis que l’antiga Fonda La Cabana ja oferia fa més de mig segle.

El nou hotel, situat a la part superior de les instal·lacions, està totalment dissenyat per a oferir-vos una experiència molt especial amb unes vistes extraordinàries. A més a més, els clients i clientes que ho desitgin també podran gaudir del restaurant i culminar així amb una experiència completa a nivell gastronòmic i de descans.

A partir d’avui ja tenim l’espai web a punt perquè pugueu veure l’hotel i fer una reserva o un regal. Benvinguts i benvingudes a La Cabana Hotel!

Noves franges horàries

Des del passat dilluns ens hem adaptat als nous horaris d’obertura en el sector de la restauració. Des d’ara doncs, ens podeu trobar al restaurant de dimarts a diumenge de les 13.00 fins a les 17.00 h. D’altra banda, al cafè-terrassa ens hi podeu trobar de dimarts a diumenge de les 8:00 a les 17.00 hores. L’equip de La Cabana seguim treballant per adaptar-nos a aquesta normativa, el moment és encara molt delicat per al nostre sector però tenim tota la il·lusió i esperança que ben aviat podrem tornar a treballar amb normalitat.

Moltes gràcies pel suport i la confiança rebuts durant tots aquests mesos.

Equip de La Cabana